
My Cowgirl in the Making

This girl loved the rodeo. She wanted to see all the animals. She wanted to pet the bulls. 
That was actually how I almost got french kissed by that bull. She was petting him. 
She asked for Daddy's hat and then hollered, "Yee-Haa!" While waving it around. 

Now if we can just keep her away from the likes of these guys in about 14 years…. 
Yikes! I don't even want to think about it! 


  1. Every one loves a Cowboy! Great shot. Your little girl is adorable. Oh my French kissed by a bull now that would be weird. Not to mentioned pretty slobbery!

  2. Great job with the sepia edits. They really turned out great! Your Little Girl can date before she's 30? lol!

  3. Your daughter is adorable -- and those cowboys do have a certain charm. xo

  4. She could do far worse than cowboys. ;-)

  5. I am amazed by the extraordinary pics I see every time I check this blog, as well as Facebook.


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