
And We're Off

Guests on a hike.
No, I'm not vague. 
Our first guests have arrived. They come in Sundays and depart Sundays. This means that our Sunday's around here are pretty crazy with the turn over, but technically this time around shouldn't have been too bad seeing as we had no check outs... Except there was the whole thing with the van not working so we had to change out the battery and redo some wiring. And then there was that issue with not having hot water in one of the cabins so a pump needed to be replaced. So really, with this week being sold out, and all, and having so many kinks to work out, it's been a little crazy. Not for me mind you, but still.

wild forget me nots

Someone from church kept calling last night for my husband. He was not expecting him to be at work on a Sunday night. Adventure Man has to greet the guests. And have dinner with them. And hang out with them after dinner. The guy called twice. He's a sweet old man who didn't know us last year. He wanted to talk about the Sunday school class Adventure Man teaches. (It's the 12 year olds, and they Love him! I know, so cute, right!)  At nine o'clock Adventure Man called the man back and got the machine. He called again this morning, but Adventure Man was gone by 7 am. Off to take the guests to a ranch just north of here where they are all hopping to spy some grizzlies. Or something like that. I don't really know as I'm not with them! But it IS Grizzly week ya know!

The Aspen Trail by our house
And so it goes. Adventure Man working and running, and me here folding socks. This is the life I tell ya! But really, we have just 2 weeks of school left and lots of crafts, and foods, and fun planned for our summer daze. And although the laundry never stops, and I am hosting a church service project in just a few weeks and would like to serve lunch in a clean house, not the house I'm living in now, we do tend to have lots of time for fun. Even if I don't get to go observe markings on the trees. And perhaps that's a good thing, as knowing that there are bear markings on the trees where my kids like to build fairy houses, might just be a bit much for this mama to handle.

NOT a grizzly. this is a black bear and cub
(ONE of the cubs, she had twins)
they came around last spring looking for food.
We scared them off, and although they were still seen in the area,
they never were quite this close.

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